Current Housing Projects
These are the current projects which Siksika Housing is working on.

Elder's Home Inspection Program
During the spring and summer of 2022, Siksika Housing undertook a comprehensive home inspection program of over 250 elder's homes. A request for proposal was issued in October 2022 to hire a consultant to review all the home inspections, prioritize them, and provide housing with a workplan for repair and maintenance. We expect repairs for elder's homes to begin in spring 2022.
What is timeline?
Spring Summer 2022 Home Inspections Completed
Winter 2022/2023 Hire consultant, create home inspection work program.
Winter 2024 Begin repair program.
Inspection reports are only issued to the leaseholder
FNDF Basement Replacement
What is it: Some basements are in need of replacement and/or repair.
Timeline: Phase 3 and 4 are currently being scoped and organized. Those who have homes in need of basement repair will be contacted by Housing.

Housing Strategy
Housing demand for on-reserve housing has increased significantly over the past 3 years. More housing is needed, but how much and where will it get built? We need a housing strategy. Over the next few months, we will be create a new housing strategy to help access new funding and resources to build more on-reserve housing. ​ Updates will be provided on our blog, so be sure to signup and get future updates.
Home Maintenance Program
To qualify for on-reserve housing, you must complete the basic home maintenance program. ​
What is it
The basic home maintenance program is a comprehensive class which teaches you how to maintain your home. Teachings include how to change furnace filters, ensure the heating, plumbing, and septic systems are running well, caulking windows, and more.
When is the next session?
We expect the next home maintenance program to begin in Winter 2022/23. Please signup by clicking the button below.